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Hello to your epic love coach


Vanessa Nance

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see the results other women are getting below…


About Vanessa

Vanessa is a relationship and intimacy expert with graduate level training in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA and a Bachelors of Arts from UC Berkeley.

Vanessa has committed to extensive personal work to transform her own life through extensive trauma work, somatic healing, nervous system regulation work and feminine energy reconnection and brings a wealth of personal experience to her clients.

She has coached entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 technology managers, top female real-estate agents, lawyers and stay-at-home moms.

She has personally helped hundreds of these women go from single to soulmate bliss and happily-ever-after marriage in a very short time using her signature method.

What keeps most women disconnected from her radiant feminine energy is unhealed trauma. Before the inner work, many women are still operating in love out of unhealed protective parts due to times when she experienced intimacy as being unsafe. Until these protective parts are integrated within the psyche and body through somatic healing, we are often unconsciously relating to men from very guarded masculine energy.

The feminine energy is innately vulnerable, and a woman simply cannot be in her feminine with masculine men when she doesn’t first know how to create this safety within her body first.

Before healing, most women are in a dysregulated nervous system response (think blowing up a guy’s phone with texts bubbles 10x his, overanalyzing every text, a hyper vigilance to changes in response time from a guy, reactively pushing love away, creating conflict to to test his love, or feeling continually pulled into hot & cold toxic relationship dynamics — these are all signs of a dysregulated nervous system and unhealed trauma). All patterns Vanessa had to move through herself before doing her own inner work to heal trauma… so there is no shame here.

While other coaches will only give you a cooker cutter formula and rule book to get a man, Vanessa’s method will transform you from the inside out, so you can make Quantum shifts to finally attract Aligned Love on every level.

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My process works from the inside out

just as your power as a magnetic feminine woman comes from the inside out. I will take you deep into helping you identify and break free from the unconscious patterns that are currently running and sabotaging your love life.

I am also an expert in masculine and feminine psychology and will help you unlock the secrets to understanding men and to better understand yourself as a woman.


 The possibility to radically transform your love life is well within reach,

I have lived this transformation for myself and I am here to tell you that something better, something AMAZING, is absolutely possible for you.




So what is this BIG secret to attraction?

The secret lies in embodying your feminine energy. Your feminine energy is about allowing and receiving; while masculine energy is about assertion, leading, and giving.

Your femininity arises from your connection to your heart which creates a deep inner emotional safety and sense of worthiness which then allows you to stop chasing love and start receiving it.

You do not become more feminine by wearing skirts, doing your nails and makeup just right.... those expressions emanate from your innate femininity, which is sometimes deeply buried from a painful past.

The Feminine Energy

When you embody your feminine energy in the presence of a man, you come out of the world of strategizing, of wanting any outcome and into the world where everything already is exactly as it should be.

Free from self-consciousness. Free from trying to prove yourself. Free from feeling not enough.

Relaxing into Being Present and Embodied in your Femininity.


I want you to experience what you deserve with a man,

and I know exactly HOW to help you breakthrough your love blocks and become a HIGH VALUE magnetic feminine woman.

I help women move from being single, scared and alone to creating breakthroughs into dream relationships with men within months time.


There comes a point in your life, when you are ready to receive love at completely new level and will do whatever it takes to get there…

You feel a yearning from deep within…

You know that your Soul’s counterpart walks this Earth and you are ready to do the work to be united

It is a call to let go of the known and jump into a realm of what is possible…

To LOVE without limits…

And CLAIM the soul-nourishing PASSIONATE love that is your birthright…


I invite you to apply

If you feel called to work with me, I invite you to review The Embodied Feminine Woman enrollment page and send me a DM on Instagram and we can have a brief chat around what’s been present in your dating and life and where you have been struggling. xo